Local Artist Dylan Rose Rheingold Reveals Her Latest Exhibition in Sweden
By Elisabeth BrighamBy Elisabeth Brigham|August 28, 2024|People, People Feature,
Transcending regional boundaries, local artist Dylan Rose Rheingold debuts her latest exhibition, Behind Closed Doors, on display at Sweden's Public Service Gallery.
Dylan Rose Rheingold surrounded by her paintings in her NYC-based studio
“Behind Closed Doors explores the feelings at a crossroad from girl to woman, and all of the playful parallels drawn from the childhood memories, games and experiences in between, that somehow still hold weight in adulthood,” says longtime local and surrealist Dylan Rose Rheingold (dylanroserheingold.com) on her current solo exhibition at Public Service Gallery in Stockholm. An homage to girlhood, the themes and imagery of each work center on symbols of otherness (think nostalgic, half-remembered dreams), femininity and Rheingold’s own heterogeneous cultural background—layered upon an array of mixed mediums. “The artwork in this exhibition all started at New York’s Yaddo this past December,” she shares. “At this historic artist residency, I focused primarily on automatic drawings, the first step in my process where I try to exercise my subconscious mind by creating these drawings without any sort of outline or plan... letting my mind run free. After I had a good amount of these mixed-media drawings complete, I hung them up next to each other to see how the nonlinear group interacted with one another.” She adds, “I hope my viewers’ biggest takeaway is a feeling of nostalgia and connection to their own personal navigations on their journey to selfhood.” Through Sept. 27, Public Service Gallery, Stockholm,public-service.com