By Nina Agdal By Nina Agdal | May 26, 2021 | Lifestyle, Feature,
Usher in your happiest, healthiest summer yet with this seasonal kickoff kit.
“I am enough.” “I will not compare myself to others.” “I am gratefu l for everything my body allows me to do.” “I will treat my body with respect.” “I deserve to feel comfortable and confident.”
Summer is finally here! While this time of year is always exciting, I think it’s safe to say there’s an extra bit of enthusiasm and gratitude for the upcoming warm months.
When I think of summer, I think of big laughs, golden sunsets, happy hours (literally) and warm ocean breezes. How do you envision your summer? Whatever that looks like for you, take a quiet moment to visualize it. Setting intentions is a great way to enter any new season in life.
Need inspiration? Read on for my five summer essentials to get you started.
1. A homemade feel-good, taste-good popsicle. Nothing screams summer like a refreshing frozen treat waiting to melt or get eaten. See below for a supereasy recipe for making some vitamin-filled and antioxidant-rich popsicles at home.
(Makes 8 servings, depending
on size of popsicle molds)
½ cup fresh orange juice
1 cup strawberries
½ cup blackberries
½ lemon
1 Tbsp. lemon zest
3 Tbsp. organic honey
¼ cup chopped mint
Combine all ingredients
in a blender. Pour into
popsicle molds. Freeze
overnight, and voila!
2. An updated summer-friendly wellness routine.
Getting yourself prepared for the new season is like changing your winter wardrobe to your summer closet. Exfoliate, moisturize, add some color to your nails—whatever makes you feel fresh and ready for the warmer weather.
3. A confidence-boosting mantra or meditation. Unfortunately for some of us, summer also comes with some anxiety about having to peel off our winter layers. This is completely human, so just remember that the negative thoughts are just that: thoughts. Work on replacing them with positive affirmations. Here are a few you can try, or come up with your own!
4. A go-to sunscreen. The sun is back and so is your sunscreen (even though it should never have left). Don’t forget to apply face sunscreen every morning. One of my personal favorites is iS Clinical Extreme Protect SPF 40. I’ve found that a lot of sunscreens make my skin break out, but this one doesn’t and feels super light and smooth on my skin as well.
5. A favorite outdoor activity. Skip the indoor gym and get outside instead! Set a goal and take advantage of the warm temperatures and energy. Go for a power walk with a friend (or a podcast), opt for a quick workout flow on the terrace or in the park, or—if you’re like me and feel a new wave of motivation to go running—try one of my interval run routines. I used to have trouble running 1 mile straight, and these runs completely changed my relationship with cardio; now, it’s like therapy. Head to for more.
Last but not least, enjoy this time with the ones you love! There is no bad time of the year to be in the Hamptons, but there is nothing like the long, warm summer days out East.